Once you’ve found what you’re looking for, it’s very easy to ask the seller a question or chat about listings they’ve posted. To initiate a chat, tap one of the options or enter a text at the bottom of the listing's page.
If you've posted something for sale, buyers will contact you through the letgo chat to make an offer, ask questions or arrange to meet up. We'll send you a push notification or email to let you know you have a new message, and it will also be indicated in the letgo app or website. You can then access the chat section to continue the conversation.
To make buying and selling easier, we provide quick answers so users can send the most common phrases and answers in just one tap.
If someone asks you to provide your email address, phone number, address, etc., be alert. For safety reasons, we recommend keeping all conversations in the letgo chat and not switching to text or email, as fraudulent users often ask you to leave the letgo chat.