To sign up or log in to letgo, we'll send a magic link to your email inbox. Why? Because that's one less password to memorize (passwords are hard to remember!) and it also helps keep your account safe.
To sign up/log in with a magic link, follow these steps:
· Go to the signup/login screen
· Tap "Continue with email"
· Enter your email address. Double-check it to make sure it's correct! If you don't use your real email address or make a mistake while entering it, you won't be able to access your letgo account.
· Tap "Send magic link"
· Check your email inbox (don't forget to check your spam folder if you haven't received it)
· Within 60 minutes, click the signup/login button in the email you've received from letgo
· If it's the first time you use letgo, you'll be asked to enter your full name
· You'll be magically logged in to letgo!